Zero transmission

NLR India, as a member of NLR Alliance has been in the forefront of piloting Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) and was one of the initiators of the LPEP Programme, and supported the Govt. of India, in rolling out SDR-PEP, and internationally, we contributed in development of best practices and PEP tool kits, for use as reference materials by countries who plan to roll-out or scale-up SDR-PEP. We advocate and support others in their efforts to introduce and roll-out PEP.

Through our project under capacity strengthening, we support in building capacity of government health functionaries with an objective to improve early case detection & prompt treatment, by providing training of trainers to GHC staff working in district /block level on planning, implementing NLEP components, supervision and monitoring of NLEP activities etc. The technical support on LPEP scale-up facilitates in smooth planning and implementation of SDR-PEP, in states and districts where we work and support in validation of contacts who got screened and administered SDR-PEP by health workers, advocate for uptake of urban leprosy program in West Bengal. We are piloting a PEP App for capturing details of index case and contact tracing, enrolment, screening and administration of SDR-PEP in 2 districts of West Bengal state, that will facilitate in timely validation and monitoring. Under a unique and high impactful multi-country research study titled PEP++: enhanced post exposure prophylaxis for stopping transmission of leprosy being carried out in Uttar Pradesh (2 districts) in collaboration with Vardhman Mahavir Medical College (VMMC) & Safdarjung Hospital, and govt. stakeholders, that will contribute to zero transmission.