NLR INDIA - No Leprosy Remains
NLR India has more than 20 years of existence in India, and as a member of the NLR Alliance (NLR International, NLR Brazil, NLR India, NLR Indonesia, NLR Mozambique, and NLR Nepal), with over 50 years of history in the fight against leprosy and the promotion of inclusion, we are inspired by our mission and share a passion for applying knowledge and experience that we have to contribute to this fight against leprosy. NLR India is determined to continue our joint efforts until No Leprosy Remains.
In our Multi-Annual Strategy, we have strategic programmes that work towards these three zeroes, for a leprosy free India/world. Our three intervention strategies are:
- Conduct research and innovate to develop new approaches to accelerate progress towards the three zeroes;
- Advocate and influence policies of other stakeholders, and adopt better policies and best practices as part of ILEP members; and
- Demonstrate to governments that new approaches work, to encourage and convince them to apply them in their programmes.