Early identification is key to reaching the goal of zero transmission. FAIRMED India believes in it and does practice identifying the people affected by leprosy at an early stage. FAIRMED India initiated community-based prevention of impairment and disability (POID) projects in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra. The key strategies adopted are:-
Although there are efforts from both the government and non-government health service providers, there are still challenges in achieving the goal
Deformity due to leprosy might lead to disability further contributing to their stigma & discrimination. FAIRMED advocates and practices early diagnosis followed by prompt and uninterrupted medication to prevent deformity and disability. This doesn’t just include the index case, but also the contacts & children. Various activities were undertaken by FAIRMED India-supported hospitals and community-based projects to prevent deformity and disability. The various strategies and activities carried out by FAIRMED supported projects are:
Discrimination results from stigma due to leprosy and is very much prevalent in the community. FAIRMED India is a true believer in including people affected by leprosy into mainstream society through a holistic approach. FAIRMED India started community-based programs both in Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra with the following activities to stop Discrimination and promote inclusion;